División de Ingenierías
Año 2012
- Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana, Wilmar Darío Fernández G. y Luís G. Fuentes P. "Evaluación de Pavimentos Flexibles". En: España. ISBN: 978-3-659-05829-5. Editorial Académica Española. (2012).
Artículos ISI
- Joseph Kabara ( University of Pittsburgh) y María Calle (Universidad del Norte). "MAC Protocols used by Wireless Sensor Networks and a General Method of Performance Evaluation". En: Estados Unidos. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2012, p. 1-11 . ISSN: 1550-1329. (2012).
- Cesar Barraza, Antonio Bula y Argemiro Palencia (Universidad del Norte). "Modeling and Numerical Solution of Coal and Natural Gas Co-Combustion in a Rotary Kiln". En: Estados Unidos. Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 184-1, p. 26-43. ISSN: 0010-2202. (2012).
- Allex e. Álvarez, Nelkin Macías (Universidad del Magdalena) y Luis G. Fuentes. "Analysis of connected air voids in warm mix asphalt". En: Colombia. Dyna-Colombia, vol. 79-172, p. 29-37. ISSN: 0012-7353. (2012).
- Ricardo Vásquez Padilla (University of South Florida y Universidad del Norte), Antonio Ramos Archibold (University of South Florida y Universidad Autónoma del Caribe), Gokmen Demirkaya, Saeb Besarati, D. Yogi Goswami, Muhammad M Rahman, y Elias L. Stefanakos (University of South Florida). "Performance Analysis of a Rankine Cycle Integrated With the Goswami Combined Power and Cooling Cycle". En: Estados Unidos. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the Asme, vol. 134-3. ISSN: 0195-0738 (print) 1528-8994 (online). (2012).
- Gokmen Demirkaya, Saeb Besarati (University of South Florida), Ricardo Vasquez Padilla (University of South Florida y Universidad del Norte), Antonio Ramos Archibold (University of South Florida y Universidad Autónoma del Caribe), Muhammad M Rahman, D. Yogi Goswami y Elias L. Stefanakos (University of South Florida). "Multi-Objective Optimization of a Combined Power and Cooling Cycle for Low-Grade and Midgrade Heat Sources". En: Estados Unidos. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the Asme. ISSN: 0195-0738 (print) 1528-8994 (online). (2012).
- Mauricio Pardo (Georgia Institute of Technology y Universidad del Norte), Logan Sorenson and Farrokh (Georgia Institute of Technology). "An Empirical Phase-Noise Model for MEMS Oscillators Operating in Nonlinear Regime". En: Estados Unidos. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, vol. 59-5, p. 979-988. ISSN: 1549-8328. (2012).
- Shanthi Muthuswamy (Northern Illinois University), Mario C. Vélez-Gallego, Jairo Maya (Universidad EAFIT), Miguel Rojas-Santiago (Universidad del Norte). "Minimizing makespan in a two-machine no-wait flow shop with batch processing machines". En: Inglaterra. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 63-1-4. p. 281-290. ISSN: 0268-3768. (2012).
- Johny Hernan Montaña Chaparro, John Edwin Candelo Becerra (Universidad del Norte) y Oscar Germán Duarte Velasco (Universiad Nacional de Colombia). "Sand's electrical parameters vary with frequency // Variación de los parámetros eléctricos de la arena con la frecuencia". En: Colombia. Revista Ingeniería e Investigación, vol. 32-2, p. 34-39. ISSN: 0120-5609. (2012).
- Daniel Holgado, Isidro Maya-Jariego, Ignacio Ramos (Universidad de Sevilla), Jorge Palacio, Óscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Vanessa Romero-Mendoza, José Amar (Universidad del Norte). "Impact of child labor on academic performance: Evidence from the program ‘‘Edúcame Primero Colombia'"'. En: Inglaterra. International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 34, p. 58-66. ISSN: 0738-0593 y 1873-4871. (2012).
- J.C. Velez, W.S. Percybrooks (Universidad del Norte), y Y.N. Antonov-Antipov (R.I.P.) (Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)). "Unified Processing Structure for Communication and Navigation signals in modems for lightweight satellite stations". En: México. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, vol. 10-5, p. 737-744. ISSN: 1665-6423. (2012).
- Miguel Rodríguez, Geovanni Berdugo, Daladier Jabba, Maria Calle, Miguel Jimeno. "HD_MR: a new algorithm for number recognition in electrical meters". En: Turquía. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. ISSN: 1300-0632. (2012).
- Elias D. Niño-Ruiz. "Evolutionary Algorithm based on the Automata Theory for the Multi-objective Optimization of Combinatorial Problems". En: Rumania. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, vol. 7-5, p. 916-923. ISSN: 1841-9836 y 1841-9844. (2012).
- Miguel Rodríguez, Geovanni Berdugo, Daladier Jabba, Maria G. Calle, Miguel Jimeno, Juan P. Tello, Eileen Triana & Laura Zapata. "Neural Networks and Hausdorff Distance Applied to Number Recognition in Electrical Meters". En: Estados Unidos. Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 26-10, p. 921-940. ISSN: 0883-9514 y 1087-6545. (2012).
- Madhura Rajapakshe (University of South Florida), Luis Guillermo Fuentes (Universidad del Norte) y Manjrijer Gunaratne (University of South Florida). "Using the ASTM E 274 skid trailer data to characterize pavement friction behavior with respect to the traveling speed and the wheel slip ratio". En: COLOMBIA. Dyna-Colombia, vol. 79-176, p. 130-138. ISSN: 0012-7353. (2012).
- John Sánchez Otero, Roque J. Hernández Donado y Jaime Torres Salcedo. "The mechanical design of a transfemoral prosthesis using computational tools and design". En: Colombia. Revista Ingeniería e Investigación. ISSN: 0120-5609. (2012).
Capítulos de libro
- Roger Pinzón, Sheila Lascano y Heriberto Maury-Ramírez. "Design for Manufacturing and Assembly and Cae Tools - The Case Of A Rice Husker". DAAAM International Scientific Book 2012. En: Austria. ISBN 978-3-901509-86-5, ISSN 1726-9687. Publisher DAAAM International Vienna. (2012).
- Elías D. Niño. "Evolutionary Algorithms Based on the Automata Theory for the Multi-Objective Optimization of Combinatorial Problems". Real-World Applications of Genetic Algorithms. En: Croacia. ISBN: 978-953-51-0146-8. InTech. (2012).