Conference chairs

Jorge Mateu

Department of Math - Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain

Karen Florez Lozano

Universidad del Norte - Barranquilla, Colombia

Francisco Rodriguez 

Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Medellín, Colombia

The METMA Congress has been held every two years for the last nineteen years. The conferences have been held in different countries in Europe, with the last host being England at the University of Lancaster in 2024.

Both participation in the workshops and the scientific quality of the contributions have grown substantially since the first METMA, which is why in 2023 the first Congreso METMA-LATAM (Modelización Estadística Espacio Temporal - América Latina) is launched, which, like the METMA, aims to promote the development and application of spatial, temporal and mainly spatio-temporal statistical methods to different fields related to the environment. The general objective is to bring together professionals and researchers from different areas and countries around the world and especially from Latin America.

The first version of METMA-LATAM was held in Quito – Ecuador. Being its headquarters the National Polytechnic School. In 2025, the second version will be held in Barranquilla – Colombia, with the Universidad del Norte as its headquarters. The scientific program features sessions covering topics on the latest advances in theory, methods and applications. Articles and Posters are welcome. Interdisciplinary actions to solve environmental problems are very welcome.

There will be a special issue in the Polytechnic Magazine, which is indexed in SCOPUS/SIMAGO, where all oral contributions can participate, of course under a regular review process.

Organizing comittee

Keyla Vanessa Alba Molina  
Universidad del Norte  

Karen Cecilia Florez Lozano  
Universidad del Norte  

Francisco Javier Rodríguez Cortes  
Universidad Nacional de Colombia  

Ramon Giraldo Henao  
Universidad Nacional de Colombia 

Martha Patricia Bohórquez Castañeda  
Universidad Nacional de Colombia 
Danna Lesley Cruz Reyes  
Universidad del Rosario 

Erick Eduardo Orozco Acosta  
Universidad Simón Bolívar 

Rafael Meléndez Surmay 
Universidad de la Guajira 

Juan Felipe Rodríguez Berrio 
 Universidad de Antioquia  

Nicolás Molano González 
Universidad del Rosario

Scientific comittee

Håvard RueUniversity of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia
María Dolores Ugarte, Public University of Navarra, Spain
Abhi Datta, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Renato Assuncao, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brasil
Alessandro Fassò, University of Bergamo, Italy
Murali Haran, Penn State University, USA
Rosangela Loschi, University of Minas Gerais, Brasil 
Ronny Vallejos, Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Chile
Juan Camilo Sosa, National University of Colombia, Colombia 
Claudio Fronterre, Lancaster University, UK
Francisco Cuevas Pacheco, Federico Santa Maria, Technical University, Chile
Jonathan Gonzalez Monsalve, Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain
Daniela Cisneros, KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Jorge Mateu, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
Ramón Giraldo, National University of Colombia, Colombia    
Karen Flórez, Universidad del Norte, Colombia 
Nicolás Molano González, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia